Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Ash Mufareh Video Reply Early Founder in ONPASSIVE Kevin Sanders

I joined ONPASSIVE on August 17th, 2018.

I was trying to spread the news about this “new” thing I had just discovered coming out that has never been done or seen before. I found somebody that seemed interested so I sent him this email!
I was so excited!😃 Here is what the email said and I sent it to Ash and he sent me a AUDIO VIDEO REPLY!!

On September 1st 2018

Hi Ash,

I am trying to convince a potential Founder. We have been emailing back and forth and he's 99% in but still has reservations. He's been talking to people online who are telling him that this business is a scam, which of course, I know is not. But it's hard to convince the unknown, non believers. So I composed and sent him the following email to convince him to join.

Let me know what you think,

Kevin Sanders
Proud Founder

Hey Paul,

I don't know about you, but the webinar was breaking up and garbally. I got the replay but haven't listened to it yet. Hopefully, the sound is better in the playback, the previous playbacks had better sound than the live Webinar.

Anyway, I think I figured out the basics of Ash's platform. It's quite simple and universal in any business anywhere, online or offline.

Basically, anyone making money online has a email marketing system such as Get Response which has a monthly fee.
Add in web hosting and other internet tools that have a monthly cost. The cost to do business online. Much cheaper than brick and mortar stores by FAR. 

EVERYONE who has a legitimate business needs legitimate customers/subscribers to build their business.That's how ANY business works, No Customers=No Money=No Business.

Ash's Platform will provide all the tools for any business under one "roof" for a much more affordable cost than what is currently being offered on the market.
 Which I think is a great deal that will attract anyone trying to make it online with the "all in one" tools to build any business. I don't know any of the specifics or what all is included. But if I were AWeber or Get Response, I might be worried.

With Ash's platform nobody knows what's included yet at the 25 dollar level but it sounds like it will be all you need.

That 25 gets paid from your profits through your sign ups below you. Who pay the 25 dollar fee. So in essence, it is a ONE TIME FEE.

Forget about the "matrix" for a minute. To get the basic idea.

With that said, the thing you need is advertising and traffic in order to gain new customers under you to keep your business going. ANY business needs this. Call it MLM or whatever you want.

So I think the benefit to Ash's system is going to be the automated advertising and Traffic. Which I don't know how it is going to work right now.

But traffic is what every and ANY business needs.

I do know this, that being at the beginning before the masses is a hell of a lot better than being at the bottom which is our Founder benefit. Forget about the unknown "bonuses" that nobody knows what they are but I believe obviously they will be a benefit to us as opposed to coming in AFTER the launch.

So I would ask people who think this is a scam, how much do they spend to maintain their business. And How much are they making doing what they are doing? 

As far as I know, this is a legit business model that is doing things a bit different and better than anything else out there currently. Of course, I understand the skepticism of the unknown but who was skeptical when, Google or Facebook first came out. Who was lucky enough, or had faith enough, to believe and invest in a then, unknown company which, obviously took off.

I believe this is our opportunity.

Let me know, if this make sense.

I am trying to make sense of the unknown but I think logically this is the basics of the business model Ash is presenting. I am looking at it at the basic format of any business that profits and works.

I try to find answers that make sense and I don't just write it off as a scam as the uneducated, non believers do. I don't know if they have been scammed before or just want the easy way out. I can't figure it out why they just write it off as a scam but then again, it doesn't matter what they think. If they can't muster up enough belief in a system that might change their life for the better, then it's their loss.

I have to run my life and make decisions that I believe will be beneficial to me.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. But I have been trying to make money online for over 7 years and probably haven't made 20 bucks and I am just tired of the upsells, hyped up sales pitches and failed promises and I am just ready to get this thing done, once and for all. I just want FREEDOM to not have to worry about money ever again.

Just a quick note: I recently purchased a Traffic Co-op for 40 bucks that was supposed to get me leads/subscribers/sales on autopilot in one month. I didn't promote the link at all, so I could see if the traffic was worth it.

I got 4 subscribers in one MONTH for 40 Dollars. Not bad, ...10 dollars per subscriber.... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
And I didn't make... A DIME!!

The kicker is, I just woke up to PayPal this morning, telling me that I was rebilled another 40 DOLLARS for the same service. I was livid!!
It is this kind of B.S. I am over with. The hyped up crap that doesn't deliver what they claim. I can see why people may think businesses are a scam and it gives a bad name to the whole, "make money online" business model. I am willing to take a chance but it better deliver what it says it will deliver. 

So Ash's System to me, is one last chance. If it doesn't work, I am done. I will pack up my bags and walk away from the whole make money online baloney. And accept the fact that I will be working a 10 dollar an hour job the rest of my life.
End of story.

That's my faith. I am going to give this one LAST try.

My analogy of this system to ANY OTHER online business system is this.

Other systems may work.

But for how long?

How fast?

When THIS system is Launched.

If you haven't joined our team yet..

You will be peddling a bicycle with a flat tire.

Our system will be the bullet train passing you by at 180 miles an hour.

Don't miss the train. 

Get on the train NOW before it leaves the station.

Kevin Sanders

Ash Reply:

Hello Kevin,

WOW .... Thank you 

Please see this message >>> CLICK HERE TO HEAR ASH’s Reply

Have an awesome day and do Remember to Smile and

Keep Your Dreams Out in Front of You



Thank you Ash!

I am even more amazed at being in company with you. I mean, you not only replied to my email but you took time to record a video. That is simply commendable. You are right in saying, if they don't see the vision then move on. Please don't feel bad about me writing so much. It's what I do when I am passionate about something and I totally believe in. If other people don't see the power we have in  our possession, oh well, they will believe when they see the results.

Thanks again for taking the time to respond with a video,

Kevin Sanders
Prouder Founder 😀

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 Kevin Sanders 
Since August 2018

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