Tuesday, October 4, 2022

A Guide On How To Prevent Data Breaches

All businesses, not just those in the tech industry, are responsible for protecting their customer data and keeping it safe from hackers. If you’re not careful, your data could end up in the wrong hands and get leaked. This article will examine how you can prevent data breaches by using proactive security measures and establishing acceptable privacy policies. What Is A Data Breach? A data breach is unauthorized access to personal information, such as social security numbers or credit card numbers. This breach can cause significant financial and emotional damage to affected individuals. Data breaches can also lead to legal action against the organization responsible for the incident. Types Of Data Breach Data breaches are a reality, and it’s something that businesses need to be prepared for. Here’s a look at some of the most common types of data breaches.  1. Identity theft: One of the most common types of data breaches is theft, where criminals gain access to personal information such as names, addresses, and social security numbers. 2. Social engineering: Social engineering is when attackers trick people into revealing sensitive information using tricks like email phishing or fake website pop-ups. 3. Tampering with data: Data breaches sometimes occur when hackers tamper with files or databases to steal information. 4. Cybercrime includes cyberattacks (where hackers break into computers and servers) to online scams (where malicious people try to steal your money by posing as legitimate companies). 5. Data loss due to natural disasters: Many businesses suffer data loss during disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes because systems are often damaged or destroyed. Examples Of Data Breaches The data breaches that have occurred in the past year are a reminder to always be on the lookout for potential threats. Here are some examples of data breaches that have impacted millions of people. 1) The Equifax breach: In September, Equifax announced an attack that affected approximately 143 million Americans. The hackers accessed personal information such as names, social security numbers, and addresses. 2) Yahoo! breach: In December 2017, Yahoo! announced that Chinese hackers had stolen user data from over 1 billion accounts. This includes names, email addresses, telephone numbers, and birth dates. 3) Cambridge Analytica breach: In March 2018, Facebook announced that they had been hacked and data from 50 million users had been obtained. This included personal information such as name, profile photo, and political views. 4) Marriott hotel chain breach: In May 2018, it was discovered that data from over 500 million hotel guests had been stolen in a breach at the Marriott hotel chain. This includes names, addresses, passport numbers, and credit card information. 5) Uber hack: In September 2018, Uber announced that their systems had been hacked and that 57 million Uber users had their data, including names, email addresses, phone numbers, and driver’s license data. Why Do Data Breaches Happen? Data breaches happen for various reasons, but human error and hacking are the most common. Here are four other factors that can lead to data breaches: • Insufficient security measures: Weak passwords, outdated encryption methods, and lack of firewall protection can all lead to data breaches. • Unauthorized access: Criminals who have access to your confidential data can steal or use it for their purposes. • Poor communication: If you don’t regularly communicate with your employees about data protection and security procedures, they may not take the necessary precautions to protect your information. • Inadequate backup and recovery plans: If your data is lost in a data breach, you’ll have difficulty restoring it. Make sure you have a method for recovering your information in a disaster. The Most Effective Security Measures To Prevent Data Breaches There are a lot of things that you can do to protect yourself from data breaches. Here are a few examples of the best practices we advise: 1. Password protects your accounts: Make sure all your accounts have strong passwords and don’t use easily guessed words or easy-to-guess passwords. 2. Keep your computer security updated: Ensure that your computer is up-to-date with the latest security patches and software updates. 3. Be careful about who you share information with: Make sure you only share information with people you trust. 4. Use 2-factor authentication: This security measure makes it harder for someone to gain access to your account if they have your login information, even if they have your password. 5. keep track of your browsing history: Keep track of the websites you visit and ensure that you only visit websites you trust.  6. Keep all your devices up-to-date: Make sure that all the devices you use to access the internet are up-to-date with the latest security patches. 7. Encrypting your data: Encrypting your information means that it is sent in a way that is unreadable without the proper key. 8. Secure your home network: Make sure that your computer and mobile devices do not have wireless networks open, especially if you do not trust those who may be able to access them. 9. Make backup copies of important files: It’s easy to delete something from one place but not another, so make sure you have a backup plan in place for any important documents or files. 10. Check for phishing emails: Phishing emails are sent in hopes of stealing your information. They look like legitimate messages from banks, schools, or organizations you deal with regularly. Conclusion Keeping personal data safe is becoming increasingly difficult as the world becomes increasingly connected. Unfortunately, breaches always happen and can significantly impact businesses and individuals. In this guide, we will outline some steps on how you can prevent data breaches from happening in the first place. By following these simple practices, you should be able to safeguard your sensitive information from prying eyes. The post A Guide On How To Prevent Data Breaches appeared first on ONPASSIVE.

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